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Surf Spot Arrecife

Arrecife is the capital of Lanzarote .  There is plenty offer of accommodation, bars restaurants and it is pretty well located to visit all places of interest. We go to some spots in Arrecife near the airport to surf when conditiosn are of really string N swell or NE and

Surf Spot Playa Blanca

Every day Kaboti Surf goes  from  Playa Blanca to Famara where we run most of our surf courses. There are 2 surf spots in Playa Blanca, both quite risky which only work in certain winds and swells.  Due to the rock/beach bottom, it is not the perfect place for

Surf Spots

Surf Spot Famara

Set against a backdrop of spectacular cliffs and rolling sand dunes, Famara beach is part of the National park of the Biosphere. The transparent water and natural beauty, as well as its consistent waves all year round characterise Famara.  It is considered one of the best European destinations for

Parts of the surfboard

Parts of the surfboard Last week we wrote about the different types of surfboards out there. And it is also important to know the parts of the surfboard and how they are called to know exactly what they tell us when they name, souls, rockers, and tails. First of

Types of surfboards

Its time to get your first surfboard. If you have already reached an intermediate level of surfing and can easily reach the peak to surf the waves, you are surely thinking of acquiring your first surfboard. The first thing I recommend is to wait until you have tried different

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